.. -*- mode: rst; coding: utf-8 -*- Formats ======= A limited number of commonly used formats can be read or written. The formats are particularly suitable to interface with molecular visualization tools such as VMD_, PyMOL_, or Chimera_. Adding new formats is not difficult and user-contributed format reader/writer can be easily integrated---send a `pull request`_. .. _supported-file-formats: Supported file formats ---------------------- The package can be easily extended. The OpenDX_ format is widely understood by many molecular viewers and is sufficient for many applications that were encountered so far. Hence, at the moment only a small number of file formats is directly supported. .. table:: Available file formats in :mod:`gridData` ============================ ========== ========= ===== ===== ========================================= module or class format extension read write remarks ============================ ========== ========= ===== ===== ========================================= :mod:`~gridData.OpenDX` OpenDX_ dx x x subset of OpenDX implemented :mod:`~gridData.gOpenMol` gOpenMol_ plt x :mod:`~gridData.mrc` CCP4_ ccp4,mrc x subset implemented :class:`~gridData.core.Grid` pickle pickle x x standard Python pickle of the Grid class ============================ ========== ========= ===== ===== ========================================= .. _pull request: https://github.com/MDAnalysis/GridDataFormats/pulls .. _VMD: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/ .. _PyMOL: http://www.pymol.org/ .. _Chimera: https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/ .. _OpenDX: http://www.opendx.org/ .. _gOpenMol: http://www.csc.fi/gopenmol/ .. _CCP4: http://www.ccpem.ac.uk/mrc_format/mrc2014.php Format-specific modules ----------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 formats/OpenDX formats/gOpenMol formats/mrc