.. -*- mode: rst; coding: utf-8 -*- .. highlight:: bash ============ Data files ============ In this section you will download all the files that are required for the tutorial. This includes Python scripts and real-world data files. .. _install-scripts: Input files and scripts ----------------------- Get the latest version of the tutorial:: git clone https://github.com/MDAnalysis/SPIDAL-MDAnalysis-Midas-tutorial.git The Python scripts for the tutorial are located in ``SPIDAL-MDAnalysis-Midas-tutorial/rp`` and ``SPIDAL-MDAnalysis-Midas-tutorial/util``. Data ---- A real-world data set of about 1.5 GiB size is made available (and should be downloaded well in advance of this tutorial). These are 400 trajectories of the conformational transition of the enzyme adenylate kinase [Seyler2015]_, sampled with the dynamic importance sampling (DIMS) MD method [Beckstein2009]_ [Perilla2011]_ or the FRODA method [Farrell2010]_. Download the whole archive as a 1.2 GiB tar.bz2 from https://becksteinlab.physics.asu.edu/pages/download/SPIDAL-tutorial-data.tar.bz2 and unpack with :: tar -jxvf SPIDAL-tutorial-data.tar.bz2 (Alternatively, use the `dropbox PSA folder`_.) This should create a directory ``tutorial-data``. Do not change the contents inside the directory because the primitive :program:`generate_file_list.py` script (see below) has built-in assumptions on the directory structure. Put the ``tutorial-data`` directory in the same directory as the tutorial code directory ``SPIDAL-MDAnalysis-Midas-tutorial``. Work directory -------------- Perform all runs in a directory ``WORK`` (here we assume that ``WORK`` in the same directory as the data and the tutorial code):: mkdir WORK cd WORK Generate JSON file ------------------ We need a starting JSON file that lists the pairs of (topology, trajectory) files with absolute paths. This is a short cut for this tutorial, in general, managing large collections of simulation trajectories is a difficult topic and tools such as MDSynthesis_ can be employed. Generate input file for the RP script :program:`rp/rp_psa.py` with the helper script :program:`util/generate_file_list.py`:: cd WORK # if you are not already in WORK RPDIR=$PWD/../SPIDAL-MDAnalysis-Midas-tutorial/rp $RPDIR/../util/generate_file_list.py -T .. trajectories.json (Just needs the path to the directory that contains the data and and output file name.) This creates the list with all 2 x 200 = 400 trajectories. Also create a smaller list for testing (only 2 x 5 = 10 trajectories):: $RPDIR/../util/generate_file_list.py -T .. -e 5 testcase.json You can have a look at the JSON files with :program:`less` or a text editor. It is important that the files are listed with absolute paths to make sure that the radical.pilot script can find them. .. highlight:: python .. links .. _`dropbox PSA folder`: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3sfu6x37lieti26/AAB255qzdUgAQia_XdfoIklCa?dl=0 .. _MDSynthesis: http://mdsynthesis.readthedocs.io/