API Documentation ================= =================================================== HOLE analysis --- :mod:`mdahole2.analysis` =================================================== :Author: Lily Wang :Year: 2020 :Copyright: GNU Public License v3 This toolkit provides an updated interface for the HOLE_ suite of tools :cite:p:`Smart1993,Smart1996` to analyse an ion channel pore or transporter pathway :cite:p:`Stelzl2014` as a function of time or arbitrary order parameters. HOLE_ must be installed separately and can be obtained in binary form from http://www.holeprogram.org/ or as source from https://github.com/osmart/hole2. (HOLE is open source and available under the Apache v2.0 license.) .. _HOLE: http://www.holeprogram.org Module ------ .. automodule:: mdahole2.analysis.hole :members: .. automodule:: mdahole2.analysis.utils :members: .. automodule:: mdahole2.analysis.templates :members: