Source code for pmda.parallel

# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (c) 2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
Parallel Analysis building blocks --- :mod:`pmda.parallel`

A collection of useful building blocks for creating Analysis

from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from contextlib import contextmanager
import warnings

import time
from six.moves import range
import MDAnalysis as mda
from dask.delayed import delayed
import dask
import dask.distributed
from joblib import cpu_count
import numpy as np

from .util import timeit, make_balanced_slices

[docs]class Timing(object): """ store various timeing results of obtained during a parallel analysis run """ def __init__(self, io, compute, total, universe, prepare, conclude, wait=None, io_block=None, compute_block=None): self._io = io self._io_block = io_block self._compute = compute self._compute_block = compute_block self._total = total self._cumulate = np.sum(io) + np.sum(compute) self._universe = universe self._prepare = prepare self._conclude = conclude self._wait = wait @property def io(self): """io time per frame""" return self._io @property def io_block(self): """io time per block""" return self._io_block @property def compute(self): """compute time per frame""" return self._compute @property def compute_block(self): """compute time per block""" return self._compute_block @property def total(self): """wall time""" return self._total @property def cumulate_time(self): """cumulative time of io and compute for each frame. This isn't equal to ` / n_jobs` because `` also includes the scheduler overhead """ return self._cumulate @property def universe(self): """time to create a universe for each block""" return self._universe @property def prepare(self): """time to prepare""" return self._prepare @property def conclude(self): """time to conclude""" return self._conclude @property def wait(self): """time for blocks to start working""" return self._wait
[docs]class ParallelAnalysisBase(object): """Base class for defining parallel multi frame analysis The class it is designed as a template for creating multiframe analyses. This class will automatically take care of setting up the trajectory reader for iterating in parallel. To parallelize the analysis ``ParallelAnalysisBase`` separates the trajectory into work blocks containing multiple frames. The number of blocks is equal to the number of available cores or dask workers. This minimizes the number of python processes that are started during a calculation. Accumulation of frames within a block happens in the `self._reduce` function. A consequence when using dask is that adding additional workers during a computation will not result in an reduction of run-time. To define a new Analysis, :class:`~pmda.parallel.ParallelAnalysisBase` needs to be subclassed and :meth:`~pmda.parallel.ParallelAnalysisBase._single_frame` and :meth:`~pmda.parallel.ParallelAnalysisBase._conclude` must be defined. It is also possible to define :meth:`~~pmda.parallel.ParallelAnalysisBase._prepare` for pre-processing and :meth:`~~pmda.parallel.ParallelAnalysisBase._reduce` for custom reduce operation on the work blocks. See the example below. .. code-block:: python class NewAnalysis(ParallelAnalysisBase): def __init__(self, atomgroup, parameter): self._ag = atomgroup super(NewAnalysis, self).__init__(atomgroup.universe, self._ag) def _single_frame(self, ts, agroups): # REQUIRED # called for every frame. ``ts`` contains the current time step # and ``agroups`` a tuple of atomgroups that are updated to the # current frame. Return result of `some_function` for a single # frame return some_function(agroups[0], self._parameter) def _conclude(self): # REQUIRED # Called once iteration on the trajectory is finished. Results # for each frame are stored in ``self._results`` in a per block # basis. Here those results should be moved and reshaped into a # sensible new variable. self.results = np.concatenate(self._results) # Apply normalisation and averaging to results here if wanted. self.results /= np.sum(self.results @staticmethod def _reduce(res, result_single_frame): # NOT REQUIRED # Called for every frame. ``res`` contains all the results # before current time step, and ``result_single_frame`` is the # result of self._single_frame for the current time step. The # return value is the updated ``res``. The default is to append # results to a python list. This approach is sufficient for # time-series data. res.append(results_single_frame) # This is not suitable for every analysis. To add results over # multiple frames this function can be overwritten. The default # value for ``res`` is an empty list. Here we change the type to # the return type of `self._single_frame`. Afterwards we can # safely use addition to accumulate the results. if res == []: res = result_single_frame else: res += result_single_frame # If you overwrite this function *always* return the updated # ``res`` at the end. return res Afterwards the new analysis can be run like this. .. code-block:: python na = NewAnalysis(u.select_atoms('name CA'), 35).run() print(na.result) """ def __init__(self, universe, atomgroups): """Parameters ---------- Universe : :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.Universe` a :class:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.Universe` (the `atomgroups` must belong to this Universe) atomgroups : tuple of :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` atomgroups that are iterated in parallel Attributes ---------- _results : list The raw data from each process are stored as a list of lists, with each sublist containing the return values from :meth:`pmda.parallel.ParallelAnalysisBase._single_frame`. """ self._trajectory = universe.trajectory self._top = universe.filename self._traj = universe.trajectory.filename self._indices = [ag.indices for ag in atomgroups]
[docs] @contextmanager def readonly_attributes(self): """Set the attributes of this class to be read only Useful to avoid the class being modified when passing it around. To be used as a context manager:: with analysis.readonly_attributes(): some_function(analysis) """ self._attr_lock = True yield self._attr_lock = False
def __setattr__(self, key, val): # guards to stop people assigning to self when they shouldn't # if locked, the only attribute you can modify is _attr_lock # if self._attr_lock isn't set, default to unlocked if key == '_attr_lock' or not getattr(self, '_attr_lock', False): super(ParallelAnalysisBase, self).__setattr__(key, val) else: # raise HalError("I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that") raise AttributeError("Can't set attribute at this time") def _conclude(self): """Finalise the results you've gathered. Called at the end of the run() method to finish everything up. In general this method should unpack :attr:`self._results` to sensible variables. """ pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass def _prepare(self): """additional preparation to run""" pass # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass def _single_frame(self, ts, atomgroups): """Perform computation on a single trajectory frame. Must return computed values as a list. You can only **read** from member variables stored in ``self``. Changing them during a run will result in undefined behavior. `ts` and any of the atomgroups can be changed (but changes will be overwritten when the next time step is read). Parameters ---------- ts : :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` The current coordinate frame (time step) in the trajectory. atomgroups : tuple Tuple of :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` instances that are updated to the current frame. Returns ------- values : anything The output from the computation over a single frame must be returned. The `value` will be added to a list for each block and the list of blocks is stored as :attr:`_results` before :meth:`_conclude` is run. In order to simplify processing, the `values` should be "simple" shallow data structures such as arrays or lists of numbers. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def run(self, start=None, stop=None, step=None, n_jobs=1, n_blocks=None): """Perform the calculation Parameters ---------- start : int, optional start frame of analysis stop : int, optional stop frame of analysis step : int, optional number of frames to skip between each analysed frame n_jobs : int, optional number of jobs to start, if `-1` use number of logical cpu cores. This argument will be ignored when the distributed scheduler is used n_blocks : int, optional number of blocks to divide trajectory into. If ``None`` set equal to n_jobs or number of available workers in scheduler. """ # are we using a distributed scheduler or should we use # multiprocessing? scheduler = dask.config.get('scheduler', None) if scheduler is None: # maybe we can grab a global worker try: scheduler = dask.distributed.worker.get_client() except ValueError: pass if n_jobs == -1: n_jobs = cpu_count() # we could not find a global scheduler to use and we ask for a single # job. Therefore we run this on the single threaded scheduler for # debugging. if scheduler is None and n_jobs == 1: scheduler = 'synchronous' # fall back to multiprocessing, we tried everything if scheduler is None: scheduler = 'processes' if n_blocks is None: if scheduler == 'processes': n_blocks = n_jobs elif isinstance(scheduler, dask.distributed.Client): n_blocks = len(scheduler.ncores()) else: n_blocks = 1 warnings.warn( "Couldn't guess ideal number of blocks from scheduler. " "Setting n_blocks=1. " "Please provide `n_blocks` in call to method.") scheduler_kwargs = {'scheduler': scheduler} if scheduler == 'processes': scheduler_kwargs['num_workers'] = n_jobs start, stop, step = self._trajectory.check_slice_indices(start, stop, step) n_frames = len(range(start, stop, step)) self.start, self.stop, self.step = start, stop, step self.n_frames = n_frames if n_frames == 0: warnings.warn("run() analyses no frames: check start/stop/step") if n_frames < n_blocks: warnings.warn("run() uses more blocks than frames: " "decrease n_blocks") slices = make_balanced_slices(n_frames, n_blocks, start=start, stop=stop, step=step) # record total time with timeit() as total: # record prepare time with timeit() as prepare: self._prepare() time_prepare = prepare.elapsed blocks = [] _blocks = [] with self.readonly_attributes(): for bslice in slices: task = delayed( self._dask_helper, pure=False)( bslice, self._indices, self._top, self._traj, ) blocks.append(task) # save the frame numbers for each block _blocks.append(range(bslice.start, bslice.stop, bslice.step)) blocks = delayed(blocks) # record the time when scheduler starts working wait_start = time.time() res = blocks.compute(**scheduler_kwargs) # hack to handle n_frames == 0 in this framework if len(res) == 0: # everything else wants list of block tuples res = [([], [], [], 0, wait_start, 0, 0)] # record conclude time with timeit() as conclude: self._results = np.asarray([el[0] for el in res]) # save the frame numbers for all blocks self._blocks = _blocks self._conclude() # put all time information into the timing object self.timing = Timing( np.hstack([el[1] for el in res]), np.hstack([el[2] for el in res]), total.elapsed, np.array([el[3] for el in res]), time_prepare, conclude.elapsed, # waiting time = wait_end - wait_start np.array([el[4]-wait_start for el in res]), np.array([el[5] for el in res]), np.array([el[6] for el in res])) return self
def _dask_helper(self, bslice, indices, top, traj): """helper function to actually setup dask graph""" # wait_end needs to be first line for accurate timing wait_end = time.time() # record time to generate universe and atom groups with timeit() as b_universe: u = mda.Universe(top, traj) agroups = [u.atoms[idx] for idx in indices] res = [] times_io = [] times_compute = [] # NOTE: bslice.stop cannot be None! Always make sure # that it comes from _trajectory.check_slice_indices()! for i in range(bslice.start, bslice.stop, bslice.step): # record io time per frame with timeit() as b_io: # explicit instead of 'for ts in u.trajectory[bslice]' # so that we can get accurate timing. ts = u.trajectory[i] # record compute time per frame with timeit() as b_compute: res = self._reduce(res, self._single_frame(ts, agroups)) times_io.append(b_io.elapsed) times_compute.append(b_compute.elapsed) # calculate io and compute time per block return np.asarray(res), np.asarray(times_io), np.asarray( times_compute), b_universe.elapsed, wait_end, np.sum( times_io), np.sum(times_compute) @staticmethod def _reduce(res, result_single_frame): """ 'append' action for a time series""" res.append(result_single_frame) return res