Source code for pmda.rms.rmsf

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# Copyright (c) 2019 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version

Calculating Root-Mean-Square Fluctuations (RMSF) --- :mod:`pmda.rmsf`

This module contains parallel versions of analysis tasks in

.. autoclass:: RMSF

See Also


from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import numpy as np

from pmda.parallel import ParallelAnalysisBase

from pmda.util import fold_second_order_moments

[docs]class RMSF(ParallelAnalysisBase): r"""Parallel RMSF analysis. Calculates RMSF of given atoms across a trajectory. Attributes ---------- rmsf : array ``N``-length :class:`numpy.ndarray` array of RMSF values, where ``N`` is the number of atoms in the `atomgroup` of interest. Returned values have units of ångströms. Parameters ---------- atomgroup : AtomGroup Atoms for which RMSF is calculated Raises ------ ValueError raised if negative values are calculated, which indicates that a numerical overflow or underflow occured See Also -------- MDAnalysis.analysis.rms.RMSF Notes ----- No RMSD-superposition is performed; it is assumed that the user is providing a trajectory where the protein of interest has been structurally aligned to a reference structure (see the Examples section below). The protein also has be whole because periodic boundaries are not taken into account. Run the analysis with :meth:``, which stores the results in the array :attr:`RMSF.rmsf`. The root mean square fluctuation of an atom :math:`i` is computed as the time average: .. math:: \sigma_{i} = \sqrt{\left\langle (\mathbf{x}_{i} - \langle\mathbf{x}_{i}\rangle)^2 \right\rangle} No mass weighting is performed. This method implements an algorithm for computing sums of squares while avoiding overflows and underflows [Welford1962]_, as well as an algorithm for combining the sum of squares and means of separate partitions of a given trajectory to calculate the RMSF of the entire trajectory [CGL1979]_. For more details about RMSF calculations, refer to [Awtrey2019]_. References ---------- .. [Welford1962] B. P. Welford (1962). "Note on a Method for Calculating Corrected Sums of Squares and Products." Technometrics 4(3):419-420. Examples -------- In this example we calculate the residue RMSF fluctuations by analyzing the :math:`\text{C}_\alpha` atoms. First we need to fit the trajectory to the average structure as a reference. That requires calculating the average structure first. Because we need to analyze and manipulate the same trajectory multiple times, we are going to load it into memory using the :mod:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.MemoryReader`. (If your trajectory does not fit into memory, you will need to :ref:`write out intermediate trajectories <writing-trajectories>` to disk or :ref:`generate an in-memory universe <creating-in-memory-trajectory-label>` that only contains, say, the protein):: import MDAnalysis as mda from MDAnalysis.analysis import align from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import TPR, XTC u = mda.Universe(TPR, XTC, in_memory=True) protein = u.select_atoms("protein") # TODO: Need to center and make whole (this test trajectory # contains the protein being split across periodic boundaries # and the results will be WRONG!) # Fit to the initial frame to get a better average structure # (the trajectory is changed in memory) prealigner = align.AlignTraj(u, u, select="protein and name CA", in_memory=True).run() # ref = average structure ref_coordinates = u.trajectory.timeseries(asel=protein).mean(axis=1) # Make a reference structure (need to reshape into a # 1-frame "trajectory"). ref = mda.Merge(protein).load_new(ref_coordinates[:, None, :], order="afc") We created a new universe ``reference`` that contains a single frame with the averaged coordinates of the protein. Now we need to fit the whole trajectory to the reference by minimizing the RMSD. We use :class:`MDAnalysis.analysis.align.AlignTraj`:: aligner = align.AlignTraj(u, ref, select="protein and name CA", in_memory=True).run() # need to write the trajectory to disk for PMDA 0.3.0 (see issue #15) with mda.Writer("rmsfit.xtc", n_atoms=u.atoms.n_atoms) as W: for ts in u.trajectory: W.write(u.atoms) (For use with PMDA we cannot currently use a in-memory trajectory (see `Issue #15`_) so we must write out the RMS-superimposed trajectory to the file "rmsfit.xtc".) The trajectory is now fitted to the reference (the RMSD is stored as `aligner.rmsd` for further inspection). Now we can calculate the RMSF:: from pmda.rms import RMSF u = mda.Universe(TPR, "rmsfit.xtc") calphas = protein.select_atoms("protein and name CA") rmsfer = RMSF(calphas).run() and plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(calphas.resnums, rmsfer.rmsf) .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 .. _`Issue #15`: """ def __init__(self, atomgroup): u = atomgroup.universe super(RMSF, self).__init__(u, (atomgroup, )) self._atomgroup = atomgroup self._top = u.filename self._traj = u.trajectory.filename def _single_frame(self, ts, atomgroups): # mean and sum of squares calculations done in _reduce() return atomgroups[0] def _conclude(self): """ self._results : Array (n_blocks x 2 x N x 3) array """ n_blocks = len(self._results) # serial case if n_blocks == 1: # get length of trajectory slice self.mean = self._results[0, 0] self.sumsquares = self._results[0, 1] self.rmsf = np.sqrt(self.sumsquares.sum(axis=1) / self.n_frames) # parallel case else: mean = self._results[:, 0] sos = self._results[:, 1] # create list of (timesteps, mean, sumsq tuples for each block vals = [] for i in range(n_blocks): vals.append((len(self._blocks[i]), mean[i], sos[i])) # combine block results using fold method results = fold_second_order_moments(vals) self.mean = results[1] self.sumsquares = results[2] self.rmsf = np.sqrt(self.sumsquares.sum(axis=1) / self.n_frames) self._negative_rmsf(self.rmsf) @staticmethod def _reduce(res, result_single_frame): """ 'sum' action for time series """ atoms = result_single_frame positions = atoms.positions.astype(np.float64) # initial time step case if isinstance(res, list) and len(res) == 0: # initial mean position = initial position mean = positions # create new zero-array for sum of squares to prevent blocks from # using data from previous blocks sumsq = np.zeros((atoms.n_atoms, 3)) # set initial time step for each block to zero k = 0 # assign initial (sum of squares and mean) zero-arrays to res res = [mean, sumsq, k] else: # update time step k = res[2] + 1 # update sum of squares res[1] += (k / (k + 1)) * (positions - res[0]) ** 2 # update mean res[0] = (k * res[0] + positions) / (k + 1) # update time step in res res[2] = k return res @staticmethod def _negative_rmsf(rmsf): if not (rmsf >= 0).all(): raise ValueError("Some RMSF values negative; overflow " + "or underflow occurred")