GSoC 2022 - Adding Energy Readers to MDAnalysis


In molecular dynamics simulations, users frequently have to inspect energy-like terms such as potential or kinetic energy, temperature, or pressure. This is so common a task that even small inefficiencies add up. Currently, users have to create intermediate files from their MD simulation’s output files to obtain plot-able data, and this quickly becomes cumbersome when multiple terms are to be inspected. Being able to read in the energy output files directly would make this more convenient.

Therefore, I wanted to add readers for energy-type files (output files containing information on potential and kinetic energy, temperature, pressure, and other such terms) from a number of MD engines to the auxiliary module of MDAnalysis in this project. This would make quality control of MD simulations much more convenient, and allow users to analyse the energy data without the need for switching windows or writing intermediate files directly from within their scripts or jupyter notebooks.

In a first instance, I focussed on a reader for EDR files, which are energy files written by GROMACS during simulations. EDR files are binary files which follow the XDR protocol. To read these files, @jbarnoud had previously written the panedr Python package, which was the foundation of my work this summer.

Adapting Panedr for use in MDAnalysis

The panedr package makes use of the xdrlib Python module to parse EDR files and return the data in the form of a pandas DataFrame. My GSoC project started out adapting this package for use in MDAnalysis. In particular, we wanted to avoid making pandas a dependency in MDAnalyis. This necessitated some refactoring of panedr (PR #33), which ultimately led to a restructuring of the code into two distinct packages: panedr and pyedr (PRs #42 and #50). Both packages read EDR files, but one returns the data as a pandas DataFrame, the other as a dictionary of NumPy arrays. Both also expose a function to return a dictionary of units of the energy terms found in the file (PR #56).


import pyedr
file = "path/to/edr/file.edr"
energy_dictionary = pyedr.edr_to_dict(file)
unit_dictionary = pyedr.get_unit_dictionary(file)


With Pyedr available, I started work on the implementation of an EDRReader in MDAnalyis (PR #3749). Here, I benefited hugely from the existing AuxReader framework. However, from the outset, it was clear that the auxiliary API would need to be changed to accommodate the large number of terms found in EDR files. The XVGReader was built under the assumption that auxiliary files would only ever contain one time-dependent term, so the XVG files would contain a time value and a data value per entry. Associating data with a trajectory via the add_auxiliary method thus only required two arguments: a name under which to store the data in universe.trajectory.ts.aux, and the file from which to read it. This is not suitable for EDR files, as they can contain dozens of terms per time point, only a few of which might be relevant for a given analysis. Therefore, the auxiliary API had to be changed as follows: While the XVGReader still works as previously, the new base class for adding auxiliary data assumes a dictionary to be passed. The dictionary maps the name to be used in MDAnalysis to the names read from the EDR file. This is shown in the following minimal working example:

import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import AUX_EDR, AUX_EDR_TPR, AUX_EDR_XTC
term_dict = {"temp": "Temperature", "epot": "Potential"}
aux = mda.auxiliary.EDR.EDRReader(AUX_EDR)
u = mda.Universe(AUX_EDR_TPR, AUX_EDR_XTC)
u.trajectory.add_auxiliary(term_dict, aux)

Aside from this API change, the EDRReader can do everything the XVGReader can. In addition to that, it has some new functionality.

Additionally, the new auxiliary readers allow the selection of frames based on the values of the auxiliary data. For example, it is possible to select only frames with a potential energy below a certain threshold as follows:

u = mda.Universe(AUX_EDR_TPR, AUX_EDR_XTC)
term_dict = {"epot": "Potential"}
u.trajectory.add_auxiliary(term_dict, aux)
selected_frames = np.array([ts.frame for ts in u.trajectory if ts.aux.epot < -524600])

Having selected these frames, it is possible to analyse only this subset of a trajectory:

protein = u.select_atoms("protein")
for ts in u.trajectory[selected_frames]:

More details on the EDRReader’s functionality can be found in the MDAnalysis User Guide.


Through this project, the AuxReader framework was expanded, and handling of EDR files was made more convenient with pyedr and EDRReaders. I am continually making improvements to these contributions, and will include an auxiliary reader for NumPy arrays in the future. This NumPyReader will be very useful, because many analysis methods in MDAnalysis return their results in the form of NumPy arrays. Having the option of associating these results with trajectories will facilitate further analyses, for example allowing the slicing of trajectories by RMSD to a reference structure.

In general, the changes made to the auxiliary API should make it easier for additional AuxReaders to be developed. Being able to easily associate any number of terms to each time step is helpful for general readers (for example for parsing CSV data) and for more specific readers (for parsing energy files generated by other MD engines, for example Amber or NAMD). With the actual handling of the data already taken care of, the challenge in the implementation here would lie in the correct parsing of the plain text files, and in proper testing and future proofing.

Lessons learned

Participating in the Summer of Code was a great opportunity for me. I learned a lot, from small things like individual code patterns to larger points concerning overall best practices, the value of test-driven development, and package management. This is thanks in large part to the mentorship and advice I have received from @hmacdope, @ialibay, @orbeckst, and @fiona-naughton. Thanks very much to you all, and to @jbarnoud.
