Outreachy 2024 Wrap-Up


We would like to congratulate our wonderful Outreachy intern, Adetutu Oluwasanmi (@adetutudeborah), on successfully completing her Outreachy project with MDAnalysis.

You can read more about Adetutu’s project in her blog post:

We have really enjoyed working with Adetutu and wish her the best in her future contributions to the MDAnalysis community and beyond!

We also thank Outreachy for supporting Adetutu and supporting MDAnalysis as an Outreachy organization for the second time. Unfortunately the Outreachy coordinators have announced that they are facing financial challenges that are putting the future of the program in jeaopardy; please read the Outreachy blog post for more details and to learn how the wider open source community can help secure the future of this impactful program!

@jennaswa @micaela-matta (Outreachy mentors)